Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Forensics in the Classroom: Court TV comes to Atlanta Schools

Chemistry and biology students at Atlanta Schools North Atlanta High School put their lab skills into action for a Court TV film crew on April 11. As part of the Forensics in the Classroom, program, students learned how to collect and analyze evidence of a crime scene. They werent flying blind. Instead, they had help from a range of criminal investigation experts, beginning with the head of their own science department, Dr. Cadence Spearman. In addition to Dr. Spearman, students interacted with Court TV host Rachelle Savoia, Police Lt. H. Cotton Tukes, forensic investigators from the Fulton County Police Department, and a criminal science instructor from Bauder College.

The staged crime took place in the schools cafeteria and involved acts of vandalism and a cut gas line. Students worked through the crime scene, learning the proper procedures for collecting evidence. The evidence that they collected, including hair fibers, stomach contents, and blood makeup, was then analyzed in the school lab.

The exercise demonstrated a new standards - based forensics curriculum developed by Court TV, the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, and the National Science Teachers Association. The program combines standard high school lab techniques with a mystery solving element.

Students at North Atlanta High School participated in Unit Four of the Forensics in the Classroom Curriculum. Called The Cafeteria Caper, the crime they investigated involved a trashed high school cafeteria that might be linked to an underground club. The lab techniques required for the investigation included an enzyme test and the analysis of hair, blood, and DNA all within their own school laboratory.

To begin the exercise, students were given handouts that explained the background information of the crime that they would be investigating. They are also given several handouts explaining the nature of forensic investigation and how forensic techniques are used to solve crimes.

Students examine a range of evidence. Some of it comes from the crime scene itself, but students also have access to a mock website that details the practices of the underground club they are investigating. The website provides them with additional information for the physical evidence that they collected, helping them to match the evidence with suspects from the website.

The Forensics in the Classroom Curriculum provided detailed lab guides for conducting the necessary experiments. After they had reached their conclusions, they were instructed how to fill out Crime Lab Reports documenting their evidence.

The Cafeteria Caper addressed five of the national forensics curriculum standards. These included:

Developing an understanding of the Cell (including enzyme function, organic molecules and indicators)
Developing an understanding of the Molecular Basis of Heredity (including chromosomes, DNA and genetic inheritance
Understanding and performing scientific inquiry
Analyzing and synthesizing several pieces of data to draw a conclusion
Developing an understanding of science and technology

The Forensics in the Classroom Curriculum consists of five units designed along the same lines as the Cafeteria Caper. With names such as Its Magic, The Celebration, The Car That Swims, and Renters Beware, each unit promises a unique story line and a different set of laboratory techniques to be used. All five units are available for free from Court TV at

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Aleece Blog1278
Ardene Blog57268

Isometrics, Steroids, Charles Atlas, and NASA What Do They All Have In Common??

Did you know that you could build muscle and become stronger without weight training?

It's true.

It's called isometric training and it increases muscle mass, giving you that great-looking body you always wanted.

And best of all, you can get fit without going to the gym or buying all that expensive home exercise equipment.

Sounds hard to believe? Well read on...

Isometric exercises involve muscular contractions performed against fixed resistance. The system gained scientific acceptance in 1953 when a couple of German researchers named Dr. Theodore Hettinger and Dr. Eric A. Muller published a study showing people who did isometric exercises obtained dramatic results by causing their muscles to tense for no more than 10 seconds at a time.

This muscle tension became popular in America when a young man from southern Italy, Angelo Sicilano, teamed up with marketing genius Harold Roman to produce an advertisement in comic books.

It showed how a 97-pound weakling became a "real he-man" and punched out the bully who had kicked sand in his face. This ad launched the mail order body-building program called "Dynamic Tension." Young Angelo went on to win the title The World's Most Perfectly Developed Man.

He changed his name to Charles Atlas, put on a pair of leopard skin shorts, and the rest is history.

Ghandi Gets Sand Kicked In His Face

Probably the only man Atlas could not help was Mahatma Gandhi. When the great spiritual leader of India wrote a letter to Atlas asking for help, Atlas devised a diet and recommended a series of exercises to help restore Gandhi's weakened condition. "I felt mighty sorry for him," Atlas said. "He was nothing but a bag of bones."

A few years before Atlas started flexing his muscles, another strongman used isometrics to build and maintain his strength. Like Atlas, Alexander Zass-better known as The Amazing Samson-offered his training through a mail order course. Zass was born in Vilna, Poland in 1888, but lived most of his early years in Russia and after 1924 in Britain.

He developed a great belief in the application of isometrics and "maximum tension" for the development of strength. He believed such an approach was superior to the normal use of weights in developing strength.

"I aimed, first, to develop the underlying connective tissues rather than the superficial muscles," he wrote in his instruction manual, Samson's System and Methods. "I developed tendon strength...." Without tendons, one would possess no control over the body, he continued. "They and their development are the secret to my strength. Muscles alone won't hold wild horses back. Tendons will, and do."

Sampson, so-called The World's Strongest Living Man, said muscles were an illusion when it came to strength, but he did encourage his students to develop them because well-defined muscles "furnish quite a respectable physical appearance." Sampson said beginners should practice tensing their muscles one at a time then grouping the muscles together, tensing as many as possible at one time.

He outlined three methods of isometric tension: freestyle, using no appliances; wall exercises for resistance training; and weight exercises in which the student held the weight in a rigid position instead of using curls or presses, the typical "pumping iron" method of weight training.

Most isometrics instructors agree not to exceed 10 seconds on each muscle contraction. That is perhaps the greatest appeal to isometrics-a person can enhance muscle mass and strength with only a few simple repetitions in a limited time without heavy exertion.

Steroids And Isometrics

In the 1960s, gym rats-not wanting to publicly admit their use of steroids-attributed their sudden remarkable gains in strength and muscle mass to the use of isometrics.

This association, however false, between the system and the abuse of steroids created a panic among the health conscious, resulting in the American public shunning the use of isometrics.

But the system flourished in Europe, especially in physical rehabilitation programs among the aged. Seeing such positive results in Europe's medical use of isometrics, patients in the United States also turned to the healing aspects of the system.

Scoliosis is just one of the afflictions being tackled by the medical use of isometrics. The Anti- Scoliosis Treatment Method is a Russian approach that consists of isometric and stretching exercises, vibration, spinal manipulation and electrical muscle stimulation.

Traveler's thrombosis is another ailment that isometric exercises can help prevent. Brought on by pressure on the upper thighs caused by prolonged sitting and low mobility in narrow seats on long airplane rides, this ailment is a greater problem than jet lag or airline cuisine.

The low air humidity onboard passenger aircraft can favor the formation of blood clots in cases where passengers may be lacking fluids. Studies by Medsafe, a business unit of New Zealand's Ministry of Health, indicate the use of isometric exercises helps relieve this condition.

Isometrics In Space?

Not only can isometrics help the weary worldwide wanderer, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is out of this world when it comes to recognizing the benefits isometrics offer in the close confinements of a space capsule.

On long space journeys in prolonged weightlessness, astronauts suffer crippling muscle and bone loss. Future space trips will be longer, say three years for example, when astronauts eventually explore Mars. Longer durations in space mean increased muscle and bone losses.

Researchers at NASA's Johnson Space Center recommend a variety of preflight fitness plans, training space travelers for in-flight use of the exercise equipment onboard the International Space Station, and monitoring their health after their return to Earth.

"Muscle and bone loss in space create an entire realm of biological concerns for astronauts," said William J. Kraemer, director of the Human Performance Laboratory at Ball State in Muncie, Indiana. "Our challenge is to find countermeasure programs which ... allow the body to maintain proper structure and function."

Astronauts Need Muscles Too

Strength training for astronauts involves two types of resistance exercises: high-intensity isotonics, which shorten and lengthen muscles (for example, lifting and lowering a dumbbell), and isometrics, which fully contract muscles without movement (such as pushing against a doorway). While both types of exercises could potentially reduce muscle atrophy in microgravity, research suggests isometrics may be more successful than isotonics in protecting slow-twitch fibers, according mto a February 2004 report in NASA's Biological andPhysical Research Enterprise newsletter.

Isometrics At Home

For the homebody, massive muscle and bone loss may not be as much a problem as those extra calories packed on while watching football or soccer on the television. It might be good advice to roll yourself out of that easy chair and spend 10 secondsat a time doing isometric exercises-at least during the commercial breaks.

Frank Sherrill is a former U.S. Army Ranger, Fitness and Martial Arts expert and creator of the Bully Xtreme Home Gym. Cassandry Blog14584
Brandy Blog82764

Exercise Stops the Need for Plastic Surgery and Injections

Almost every day there is an article written and published about the industry of beauty; the topics vary but you can be assured that Botox and fillers via injections, surgery and procedures will be discussed ad nauseam. These invasive, perilous undertakings entice those who want to look younger and these brave souls don't mind putting their health at risk as they alter their appearance time and again with the latest and greatest cosmetic procedure.

An unfortunate by-product of plastic cosmetic surgery is suicide. That's right, for whatever reason, men and women who are disappointed with the results are increasingly becoming suicidal. Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is real and its meaning can be summed up in just one sentence This is a mental disorder suffered by both men and women that causes an extremely critical self analysis of one's physique with less than satisfactory results from plastic surgery or other modalities of physical enhancement. Imagine, having procedure after procedure and still seeing an ugly duckling in the mirror.

Chasing after the Fountain of Youth has been an on-going odyssey for centuries and even though drug companies would like you to believe that toxins and the like will help you look younger, at the end of the day, you will still be the age you are only with a body filled with chemicals that can have an adverse effect on your good health. This risk of dependency affects more than just physical health, now we must consider mental health!

Chemicals, toxins, cadaver based fillers, surgery, feather lifts, Thermage, lasers and more are temporary and risky procedures that keep you looking older. Yes, older! These fixes do nothing but prop up your aging face, producing short lived self confidence because when these gimmicks wear off, you must repeat and repeat the procedures to maintain the desired semblance of prettiness and youthfulness.

Does anyone who regularly shoots up think about the consequences ten years from now? It's a well known fact that when you paralyze a portion of the face, the face contorts to accommodate the affected muscles and these contortions lead to more wrinkles. What about the fillers that plump up nasal labial folds? How much can the body endure from repeated uses of sterilized cadaver and bovine materials?

And what about cutting into the face of a perfectly healthy body to stop the slide of muscles and skin? Consider this: If you see that your butt is sliding into the top of your thigh or that your underarm is jiggling, would surgery be your first line of defense? Heavens no! Most likely you would begin an exercise regimen to tone up your body; surgery probably wouldn't enter your mind.

Doctors and drug companies advertise. They heavily advertise so that you will begin to believe their message, their hype. They want you to believe that this injection, this procedure, this medication will make you look and feel younger and healthier. When you think about the long-term expense and risk, do these options seem sound? How many procedures and injections will be required over a twenty span? Will you eventually stop them and then just look old? That's doubtful because studies show that people who have one procedure will likely eye the menu and book another. It's likened to a gerbil on his wheel imperfections can create the desire for more and more treatments that just might interfere with your life. After all, surgery is risky, even deadly!

I admire Alex Kuczynski, author of Beauty Junkies, who believes a very sad fate has tainted the feminine ideal, declaring that the culture of "better" has corrupted the perception of what is beautiful and even acceptable. In other words, the ads would have you believe that you need to be fixed. Ms Kuczynski nor I want you to end up look like an aging porn star from chasing after injections and surgery.

Enough already! Let's move on to a positive space a space where everyone can return the look of youthfulness to their face without any risk, pain or spending their children's inheritance.

External beauty like inner beauty takes work; yes, it's easy to just allow someone to administer beauty enhancements but did you know there is an alternative to the usual suspects of improvement? One that will definitely help you look younger and it doesn't involve surgery or injections it's facial exercise that uses isometric contractions and resistance that when employed for just a few weeks will create a younger looking face by strengthening and toning hidden facial muscles that support our skin.

Bottom line: Aging isn't what it used to be. Defy it! Exercise your face!

Cynthia Rowland is widely recognized as an expert in all natural facial fitness with over thirty years experience in health & beauty related fields. She has appeared on The View, Fit TV, HGTV and other popular shows. This author, speaker and television personality is leading the crusade to keep men and women looking vibrantly younger through natural techniques without spending their childrens inheritance. Audi Blog6530
Camala Blog71659

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Online Education

Getting an online education has become a very popular technique these days. Whether you are looking for a high school diploma or a graduate degree or some specialized certification to supplement your existing knowledge, it is very convenient to obtain these without having to take time off from your schedule to attend a regular educational institution.

There are many advantages associated with online study. Some are given below:

Unlike traditional learning, distance learning can offer you greater flexibility, as you don't have to waste time- and money- commuting to the campus and you can choose a program that truly suits your interests or professional needs, because you are not confined to the classes that are offered locally.

Another advantage to distance learning is the fact that you can continue to work, because you don't have to worry about fitting your classes around your job schedule.

Online programs often cost less than their traditional counterparts, so you can save money on tuition, if you pursue your degree through an online university.

Online study is also a great option for those students with physical handicaps, which may prevent them from traveling to a traditional campus. Likewise, if you are shy, or perhaps even language-challenged, participating in an online course may be the perfect alternative to a live class.

There are some major advantages to online education, including the ability to set your own study time. You may be looking for a promotion or career change that requires additional training or you may simply be ready to learn something new. But with today's busy lifestyle, there's little time to devote to regularly scheduled class time. That's where online education can be a great asset for a motivated person.

Although there are many advantages of an online education, there are also some disadvantages. The fact that you are working on your own could very well be one of the major disadvantages of taking online educational classes.

Another major disadvantage is the lack of interaction. You aren't in a classroom and don't have the opportunity to hear questions and discussion from other students. This isn't always an issue, depending on the subject of the online education course you are taking, but it could be an important factor in deciding whether an online education is the best option when seeking out opportunities for learning new skills or gaining new training.

But above all the disadvantages the online education is gaining more esteem than traditional education.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail kateriwhite@gmail.comAinslee Blog64960
Catlaina Blog97178

Title Insurance Companies Must Change Their Ways

In the last few years the real estate title industry has been in the news a lot more and usually it is not because of the good things they are doing. Most of the news has revolved around the illegal kickbacks and gifts they are giving to brokers in return for more business being sent their way. The latest story is from Washington and involves homeowners suing title agencies for providing illegal gifts to brokers and passing on extra charges to the customers, These stories have become far too common and in the Internet age it is only a matter of time before anyone who is in need of title insurance will be able to find similar stories. Because of the increased knowledge title insurance providers should take heed and change their ways. There is no way to hide this information from consumers and those title companies who are engaging in these illegal practices will pay the price and rightly so.

Before I go any further I need to discuss exactly what Title Insurance is. Title Insurance is an insurance policy to guarantee your ownership against claims, liens or judgments that might arise after your purchase or loan has been completed. Title insurance providers research and certify ownership of real estate before it is bought, sold or refinanced. They search state and municipal public records for the property and persons in the transaction. The investigation is thorough and complete. The title company will notify you and your attorney or lender of any claims that may challenge your ownership or the new loan on the property. Title insurance is a requirement in almost every state in the US and it serves to protect lenders and homeowners against losing their loan or home due to title inaccuracies or deceit.

The problems arise when title companies attempt to buy their business from real estate brokers, attorneys, and/or mortgage brokers. The practice of giving gifts and kickbacks in return for additional business is illegal in every state but many title companies ignore this. This practice has been ingrained in the title industry and the fact that customers were unaware of it has made it highly profitable and difficult to discover. That is until recently. Customers are becoming better educated on the closing process and in turn what title insurance is and how much it should cost. One of the biggest reasons for this is because of the increased availability of information because of the internet. Consumers now have instant access to all the information they want with a couple of clicks of their mouse. Title companies can no longer hide what they are doing from their customers.

In the past most consumers were unaware that they could choose their own title insurance company and instead used the company that their broker or attorney recommended. The fact is that this is just a recommendation and customers have a right to choose who they want to use for their title services. Armed with this knowledge customer have the ability to shop around and find the best price for their title insurance. When looking for a title service customers need to ask for a detailed breakdown of all fees and charges from each company and determine the best price. If a company refuses to give this information or try to tell you it is an estimate and the price may change at closing they are obviously hiding something. These companies should be eliminated immediately. Once the information is obtained from a number of companies the customer should review everything and choose the company they feel most comfortable with. And remember some brokers and attorneys rely on gifts and kickbacks so they may try to convince customers that they cant choose their own title company or otherwise try to steer them away from the customers choice. If that happens they should look closer at the broker or attorney who they are working with because they are being less than honest about this. The customer can have all of the power if they properly educate themselves.

As more and more problems are being exposed in the title industry space is opening up for companies who are willing to change the way the title industry works. Some new companies are trying to change the way consumers view title insurance and closing services by offering services directly to the consumer. They do not rely on leads from brokers or attorneys and as a result they do not need to rely on kickbacks to get increased business. Their goal is to educate the consumer and give them the lowest possible rates and they can do this because they are not adding junk fees to cover the cost of gifts and kickbacks that other title companies have. They offer flat fee charges for title and settlement services and the quote that is received on the website is what the consumer pays at closing, there are no hidden charges that pop up during the closing process. What you see is what you get.

As the title industry gains more and more negative exposure title companies who are trying to change the way the business works will see more room for themselves in the market and this will greatly benefit consumers. When consumers are shopping for a home, mortgage, or even a refinance mortgage they do plenty of research to get exactly what they want and title insurance & closing services should be no different. It could mean the difference of thousands at closing. The internet helped consumers find new alternatives when it comes to mortgages and as they become more educated they will realize that they can save a significant amount of money by learning about title insurance and shopping around.

Mark Pilatowski is a title industry insider and has followed the litigation surrounding the title industry for the past few years. Because of the problems with other title companies he joined the team at My Closing Space offers Title Insurance and closing services direct to the consumer without the junk fees and kickbacks that other title companies charge.Arleta Blog33676
Celestia Blog31100

Mobile Website Marketing Ideas

Now is the right time to market websites via the mobile Internet. The market is relatively new and there are only a handful of competitors. Making a quick move now could help businesses establish dominance in the market leaving the competition trailing behind.

The days of SMS marketing are numbered. Mobile marketing ( ) is no longer limited to just sending out blanket SMS messages to scores of users with the hope that some might be interested. The mobile Internet brings the same flexibility to handheld devices as the World Wide Web brought to PCs. A wide variety of marketing options are now available:


Consumers can simply click a smartcode, enter keywords or even scan a barcode and bypass long URLs, search engines or cumbersome menus to access mobile content using a new technology called Qode. Marketers can use Qode to make any campaign, product packaging, retail display or even magazine publication immediately interactive.

The potential applications of Qode are very attractive, especially for contests, coupons, tickets, polls and real-time information access.

Qode ( )

Mobile Search

Google, MSN and Yahoo! now offer mobile search advertising programs either individually or in partnerships. Mobile search, like traditional search offers the option to market via organic mobile search optimization ( ) or paid mobile search advertising ( ).

Google Mobile ( )

MSN and Ingenio ( )

Yahoo! and Bango ( )

Both organic and paid search are currently quite non-competitive in the mobile market. Gaining dominance in either is relatively cheap and quick at present and companies that react quickly are likely to be able to reap rich rewards and grow intrinsically owing to the first mover advantage.

Text & Web Triggers

Web triggers allow users to enter their phone number on a website and receive an SMS push with a link or some sort of content. Text triggers allow users to send an SMS message as a request from specific content. Both text and web triggers have been in use for a while now. However very few businesses actually fully understand the potential of such services.

Using a web trigger, for example is a very easy way of getting visitors ( ) to the regular website aware of the fact that they can also access the site from a handheld device, on the go, which could be invaluable for travel, news and entertainment related sites.

Bango web trigger ( )

Viral Mobile Campaigns

Mobile content can be promoted virally by encouraging users to send a link to a friend from a mobile website, by encouraging them to forward (WAP Push) a message to another user's phone - often in exchange for points or free content - or even via blog marketing ( ) campaigns.

The great thing about viral campaigns are that if done correctly, once set up they incur no further cost and continue growing exponentially, for free!

The Next Step

Websites that have the content simply need to make that content available to mobile Internet users. Mobile website optimisation services are usually helpful in ensuring that websites work perfectly on a range of handheld devices. Mobile marketing agencies are then able to help businesses promote that content and monetize it.

AccuraCast mobile search marketing ( )

Other articles to read:

Top 5 Link Building Services ( )

Maximising Future Profits With SEM 3.0 ( )

SEO Weekly ( )

With over 7 years experience marketing products and services online and offline, Farhad Divecha founded AccuraCast, London's leading search engine marketing agency. Under his leadership, AccuraCast has grown to be one of the top 25 search engine marketing agencies in the UK, as rated by The NMA 2006 Marketing Services Guide. His marketing portfolio includes product managing multi-million-selling 3Com PC Cards and the OfficeConnect PC Card brand, and building a significant online presence for over 30 companies in the UK alone.Callie Blog20836
Amandie Blog55412

Support with Bad Credit! Adverse Credit Secured Homeowner Loan

An adverse credit secured homeowner loan is the one which is secured by the home of the borrower. This means that when you take an adverse credit secured home owner loan, the title deed of the home transfers to the lender. A borrower should be very much sure in making the repayments and any default can for the lender to take away your home to recover his money. However, lenders are quite flexible in terms and conditions in presence of the security. You can always talk to the lender if you are facing any difficulty in making the repayment or if you are not able to repay a particular adverse credit secured homeowner loan installment on time.

Adverse credit secured homeowner loans are gives financial support to those who are trapped in the bad credit. A person gets the tag of bad credit when they make defaults in repaying their debts on time or make late payments or non-payments, carry a large number of unpaid debts, CCJs and IVAs, bankruptcy etc. Credit rating agencies keeps an eye on all this and prepares your credit report assigning you a credit score accordingly. Standard loan lenders may treat you as an alien when you are suffering with bad credit as they believe that a borrower who is not sincere in repaying his debts in the past may not be repaying their money. But with an adverse credit secured homeowner loan you can easily get the cash you may be looking for.

Amount from 5000 to 50000 can be borrowed under an adverse credit secured homeowner loan for a repayment period varying from 5 to 25 years. The repayments are easier with low rate of interest which attracts most of the borrowers. The borrowers are free to use the loan amount for any of the personal and professional needs. This includes buying properties, bearing wedding, health and educational expenses, business financing, home improvements, getting your own automobile and any other reason.

Adverse credit secured homeowner loans can also be used for consolidation of your existing debts. This helps in reducing all your debts to single monthly repayments and can save lot of your money.

You can search for adverse credit secured homeowner loan through an online option where lots of free loan quotes are available for you to compare. You can apply for the one which suits best in your conditions. The lender once satisfied from the details provided by you in the application form will process your loan request. It takes 10 to 12 days to get the approval for the adverse credit secured homeowner loans.

Tim Kelly is an expert in finance having completed her LLM in Finance (Master of Laws in Finance) from Institute for Law and Finance at Frankfurt University. She is currently working with BadDebtHomeownerLoans as a financial advisor. To find Bad debt homeowner loans UK, Bad debt secured homeowner loans,Adverse credit secured homeowner loans, Homeowner personal loans, Cheap homeowner loans in UK that best site's you need visit Blog16412
Allsun Blog92753

Peep Show Series 4 DVD Now Available

Calling all Peep Show fans! Channel 4s hit comedy series, Peep Show Series 4, is now available for pre-order on DVD! If you missed it on TV now is your chance to get your mitts on a copy of the funniest show of the year.

This Peep Show DVD is the most side splitting of the lot. Taking off where series 3 left off it explores Marks doomed relationship with Sophie and Jeremys constant time wasting activities, including some handy work for a male pop star.

Episode 1: Mark takes Jez along when he meets Sophies parents. Mark admits his love doubts to her Dad by mistake while Jeremy gives her mother a bit on the side.

Episode 2: Mark takes the lead in his company conference, alienating most of his team in the process. Jez accepts an indecent proposal from Johnson and manages to lose big Suze to him in doing so.

Episode 3: Mark joins a gym to get fit for the wedding and begins to use it as a hiding place to get away from Sophie. Jez falls for gym receptionist and ex crystal meth addict, Nancy, who only has eyes for gym instructor, Matt.

Episode 4: Sophies business trip with her ex, Jeff, leads Mark to go to the school reunion with Jeremy. Mark rediscovers the charms of Sally, school hottie, who has got it together with the old school bully. Jez starts work as a handy man for a rock star and ends up providing more of a personal service than he pictured he would.

Episode 5: The stag weekend gets under way and Jez chats up sisters Aurora and Lucy. Soon Mark is finding new ways to escape the wedding promises and pitches for a job to run a call centre in India for the girls father.

Episode 6: The wedding day. Mark is still trying to escape an eternity of unhappiness while Jez makes a last-minute start on the best mans speech. Mark not only has puke in his top hat and shoes (compliments of Super Hans) to deal with but also lets his fate be decided by the flip of a coin.

Favourite Quotes from the Series 4 Peep Show DVD:

There's got to be a catch. You're going to be his drugs mule, he's going to sell you organs or invite a German around from the internet to eat you. - Mark

"I will now do my best to give Mark the six most uncomfortable minutes of his life, and the six most uncomfortable minutes of Sophie's life will be coming up later this evening courtesy of Mark." - Jez

"Stop moaning, we're out with a man who owns guns. You're chucking his daughter and I've screwed his wife, tonight is going, if a bit weird, extremely fucking well for us!" - Jez

"Tonight should be a free-fire ideas zone, watch a DVD, eat some pizza, fuck each other. I'm serious; fuck a chicken if that's what it takes. Watch a chicken fuck a horse." - Johnson

"I'm much more concerned about my mis-shapen scrotum." - Mark

"You're disgusting... but I like it! It's like going to a strip joint with the Pope." - Jez

"As you're always saying, The Beastie Boys fought and possibly died for my right to party." - Mark

"Oh my God, India could be my way out. Goodbye Sophie, Goodbye sexual humiliation, hello Corrigan the neo-Colonial overlord." - Mark

You can get a copy of the Series 4 Peep Show DVD on pre-order now. Also newly available for the avid fan is the Peep Show Series 1-3 Box Set DVD and of course each of the individual show DVDs are widely in stock in case you already have some of them.

Have fun, I know Im going to be first in line for my copy when Series 4 comes out in November and will probably have most of my friends popping over for a Peep Show DVD marathon night!

Written by Steve Dovey, a big Peep Show fan Blog80782
Cahra Blog30401

Photo Wedding Invitations - A Refreshing Approach to Wedding Invitations

Wedding invitations are often overlooked in wedding planning as important because it is a small cost compared to the price of the dress, renting the venue and ordering the catering. However, the wedding invitation should be considered one of the most important aspects of wedding planning because without the invitations, there would be no guests.

Wedding invitations set the tone of a wedding. The colors often match and the theme of the invitation can also reflect the mood and attire of the wedding.

One of the most refreshing and unique options for wedding invitations is to get photo wedding invitations. Couples can choose their own backdrop and theme for their own invitations. Couples can have a western themed invitation by getting a photo out in their favorite nature spot while another couple can get a photo of themselves in Las Vegas before they elope and use it as their Las Vegas wedding announcement. Thus we see that photo wedding invitations can have more creativity than most other wedding invitations.

This is because a photo wedding invitation has a uniqueness that no other invitation company can duplicate. Creating a photo wedding invitation or having a photo wedding invitation professionally printed guarantees that no other couple will have the same invitation and style as another couple.

Photo wedding invitations can also be graphically designed to fit a couples style or theme needs. Many couples now are hiring graphic designers to design the photo on their invitation with special graphics or photos or even borders to make the photo invitations even more special.

Photo invitations sometimes have a stereotype as being not the most luxurious option, but now with many photo invitation companies available, wraps, gilclear covers, translucent overlays and ribbons prove otherwise.

Photo invitations also have the option of color changes. Sepia tones give photo invitations an older feel while black and white often give photo wedding invitations an elegant feel. Graphics designers can also touch up any photos to make blemishes and red eyes disappear.

Oftentimes, couples who get photo invitations also purchase photo wedding favors which can be purchased at the same company as the photo invitations and the photo wedding favors are just as unique as the photo wedding invitations.

Photo wedding favors consist of little trinkets to hand to guests but also reception gear like a photo ring bearer pillow, a photo unity candle, and even photo guest books.

Renae Judkins earned her journalism degree at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.Aubrette Blog10272
Anica Blog40622

Health Benefits For Americans Part II - who pays for Dental, Vision, Chiropractic and Prescription?

Part I of this two-part series focused on that 15 percent of the United States population that is without health benefits. It was disturbing to learn that 80 percent of uninsured households have at least one parent working full-time, and still they are without health benefits.

But there is another trend in the US that is more startling! Shrinking health benefits for employed Americans AND retirees alike. What is even more disturbing is that, because health benefits are shrinking a little bit at a time, many people don't realize it's impact until it's too late.

Deductibles rise and restrictions are placed on the kinds of services that are available. Dental, vision, chiropractic care and prescription drugs are all targets for restricted services or payout limits. In addition, both employer and government-sponsored health benefits programs are requiring larger contributions from the "insured".

In March 2006, Jim Jubak (investment guru) wrote about how his father's pension check was cut in half because the company that he retired from upped his health benefits contribution by $170 a month-with no notice!

According to the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, the average cost of employer-sponsored health care plans was $3695 for an individual and $9950 for a family. The employee's average contribution to this plan was $2261, which is more than a 160 percent increase [from 2000 to 2004].

Who should we blame? Highly paid doctors and pharmaceutical companies for skyrocketing healthcare costs? Large companies for not seeing the impact that the aging Baby Boomers would have on their ability to take care of their retired employees? The federal government for not legislating a fix to an overwhelming problem?

The fact is that everyone and no one is to blame. And the problem isn't getting any smaller, not for a long time.

Fortunately, there are some problem solvers out there. And once again, they come in the form of Consumer Driven Health benefits programs. These programs offer something called "Supplemental Health Benefits" packages. And they work like this. For a small monthly fee, supplemental health program members get discounted rates on the very health services insurance companies are cutting. And the discounts are sizable. AmeriPlan reports up to 80% savings to its members for dental care alone. What's more, anyone can join. No one is turned down for any reason, including preexisting health or dental conditions.

The challenges of the US health care system have not gone away. The problems run deep and wide. For those of us who need complete health services-and peace of mind-Supplemental Health Benefits may be the answer.

Jim Martinez is a National Sales Director for AmeriPlan USA, offering discount health benefits programs that include ongoing medical conditions, starting at just $29.95 per month. For more information on AmeriPlan Health, Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic Benefits and more health related articles, visit Blog23235
Cathee Blog91641

Dummy Cameras Provide Added Security Without The High Costs Of Security Cameras

From the outside, dummy cameras appear to be real security cameras, but they lack the expensive recording components inside. Without physically taking a dummy camera apart, there is no way of knowing it is actually a fake. Dummy cameras provide added security without the high costs of additional cameras. When a criminal sees a security camera, or what is thought to be one, he is likely move on. When faced with a tight budget, dummy cameras are an excellent alternative to fully functioning security cameras.

Various dummy cameras offer an assortment of capabilities, and it is important that you think about the different features and abilities available to you when choosing dummy cameras. Your choice of dummy cameras depends on which elements you feel are the most important and which ones fit your needs and budget the best.


- Flashing or steady LED "recording" light,
- Panning motion or steady,
- Actual camera housings or look-alikes,
- Bullet style or dome style, and
- Indoor or outdoor structure.

Choosing dome style dummy cameras will lead burglars to believe you have the ability to view a 360-degree range of an area, while bullet style dummy cameras give off the perception that a close-up picture of his or her face is being recorded.

Home Use

If you have already installed surveillance equipment in your home, but would like to give the impression of having more cameras, dummy cameras are the way to go. Burglaries are not hasty crimes. Homes are usually staked out by burglars before any crime takes place, and the presence of cameras, especially more than one, is enough to send any burglar on his or her way.

Business Integration

Each year in the United States, retailers lose approximately 10 billion dollars due to shoplifting and 15 billion dollars due to employee theft. The strategic placing of dummy cameras is an efficient and inexpensive way to deter pilfering. Placement should be well thought out, keeping in mind the three locations which will get the most attention: (1) the front entrance (2) the back corners (3) the back door or loading dock.

The power of suggestion offered by the presence of dummy cameras is an effective tool in lowering your costs due to theft.

You deserve top notch security of your home and your business, no matter your budget constraints. The integration of dummy cameras is a cost-efficient and unproblematic way to ensure the safety of your home, family, business, and employees.

Ralph Winn has over 32 years of experience in the security industry. Throughout his career, he has developed cost effective security programs for numerous small, medium, large commercial and government properties and for many nationally known corporations. http://www.homesecuritystore.comCalley Blog37390
Ada Blog80540

Ok Youve Got Yourself A New Website, Now What?

Many businesses spend lots of money setting up a new website what with Domain Name Registration, Website Hosting and most importantly the Website Design; some customers can be out of pocket thousands of dollars.

The role of the website designer is to construct an eye catching and appealing website backed by good programming and W3C compliance. If your designer is any good, they would hopefully construct your site pages with Search Engine Optimisation in mind even in cases where it hasnt been explicitly applied for. In other words instead of naming your Company Information page file as about.htm being a little more creative with SEO in mind and name it business_lawyers_sydney.htm for a Business Law Firm in Sydney, therefore capturing keywords in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS).

Anyway getting back to our topic, you have spent hours compiling information and images for your new site and your designer has pieced together the puzzle and you now have a brand new website online and raring to what!

Many businesses wrongly presume that once their website is online they can sit back and watch the dollars and clients roll in as they are now online. Well let me tell you it isnt that simple (we all wish it was!), but the truth be told this world wide web of ours is truly that WORLD WIDE and with millions of websites all competing for your clients hard earned dollars you need to make sure your website is seen and visited by as many as possible.

Dont panic, this task may be easier than it seems with only a few easy to apply changes to your current business practices you can make your site a popular spot for web surfers which will lead to future business prospects and customers and their all important dollar.

Domain Email

I am surprised by the number of businesses still using a hotmail, gmail or aol free email account for the main business email contact. Youve paid for a new domain name and hosting for your business why not put it to good use and create a email address for that domain.

Plenty of my customers dont want to part with their @free_email as everyone knows my email address. Well heres a tip, people are smart and if you tell them you have a new email address and only use that new email account to send emails etc, they will start using it to reply to your messages too. Im not saying get rid of your @free_email account all together but to use your new domain email as the primary contact for all outgoing correspondence.

Whats the difference I hear you ask, well those people that dont know about your website or maybe even your business, will have an easier time finding your site when your domain name appears after the @ symbol. Youll be surprised the amount of times emails are received and the first thing someone wants to do is check out your site for more information, well heres one way which will help.

Email Signatures

You know the ones, those easily programmed options in Email programs which add your name and phone number at the bottom of the page for every new, replied or forwarded email. Well how about adding your website URL Address to this signature as well, that way every email sent will be advertising your website address.

Email Blast

By now you would certainly have amassed a large contact list of customers and associates, so why not notify them of your new website and ask them to comment on its design and ease of use, you never know you may actually get some more business or sales just from this simple email.

Business Cards

You must hand out 100s of these little cardboard cards every time you meet a new business associate or prospective client so why not add your website URL Address here as well. I cant tell you the number of cards I have received which dont feature the business website; it seems criminal that there is such an omission.


Be it moving or stationary, signage advertising your business is paramount to getting your name, brand or logo out into the public consciousness. So why not add your website to your current signage or even on the rear window of your car, truck or van and become a moving billboard.


Think about running regular competitions on your website where visitors must find certain information contained somewhere within your site. Using letter drops, print media or email blasts, ask your customers and associates to enter and forward the email onto their friends so they can enter as well and offer a prize worthy of peoples time while visiting your site.

For Example: Your site may be selling Ladies Fashions and the competition stipulates that visitors must find and name three brands of clothing available to enter the competition, thus ensuring those who visit will be aware of your product line and may even purchase someone if they like the range.

RSS Feeds

Are you prepared to write articles on your specialised service and products? Well if you answered yes then you should consider implementing an RSS Feed into your website. RSS or Really Simple Syndication allows you to publish relevant information to the WWW community. With dozens of News Aggregators around ready to pick up new feeds, your information and website URL will be published on numerous sites adding to its popularity with Search Engines and your customers.

News Updates

Websites can quickly become stale and tired when nothing changes, so along with your RSS Feeds why not establish a news information page with headlines on your home page to constantly update your customers with latest happenings.


You can create a simple HTML newsletter based on any Word Processing document which will look attractive to your customers and encourage them to click through to your website. You can easily paste this into an email editor and send to your customers and encourage them to forward or pass on the email to their contacts etc.

If you apply at least 1 of these rules you should be able to increase the popularity of your site almost immediately. Dont forget that site promotion and popularity is an ongoing task to keep your website in your viewers consciousness, so if updating via a Newsletter works well, make a note to produce it monthly.

Craig Bucknall is the owner and Managing Director of the Sydney based Website Design studio Bullie Graphics. See their website for more information about website design at also checkout the website design and seo tips blog.Cathi Blog93933
Astrix Blog9691

Culinary Training Isn't A Cakewalk

A career as a chef can be fulfilling and challenging, and if you have a passion for food culinary training may be a perfect fit. However, it isn't easy. Anyone who has attended a culinary institute can tell you that the education you receive goes far beyond simply learning how to throw together a few meals. In fact, you learn much more than just cooking.

Being a successful chef also involves being able to manage your kitchen properly, work well with your staff and understand nutrition, food purchasing and plenty of other things that go beyond the stove or oven. Culinary training can be an eye-opening experience for many students as they prepare for their career in the food and restaurant industry.

Training to be a chef may be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding. There are few careers that so perfectly blend creativity and a love of food with a practical skill to yield a job that can propel you onto a successful career path in any number of areas. With the proper culinary training you can work at resorts, restaurants and clubs almost anywhere in the world. You may even find yourself working on a cruise ship.

Choose Culinary Training That's Comprehensive

If you want the best training possible, look at the curriculum offered at each school you are considering. If the focus is just cooking, you will be missing some important components that will make your culinary degree marketable when you graduate. The most comprehensive programs will have six distinct areas, each of which will break down further into specific units, some with basic, intermediate and advanced courses.

Food Service and Sanitation

This is the foundation of everything a chef or food service worker must know. If food is improperly handled, nothing else matters. Unsanitary conditions are absolutely unacceptable at any establishment no matter how talented you are.

Culinary Arts and Cooking

The core of most programs, these courses will have a variety of names, but will usually focus on a variety of cooking styles and procedures, usually focusing on savory dishes.

Food Science and Nutrition

Understanding the make-up and nutritional content, taste and value of ingredients and foods. In today's health-conscious society these courses are more important than ever, particularly if you would like to go on to work in a setting such as a spa or luxury resort. Understanding the way various flavors and textures interact and react is also a part of food science.


Learning cost analysis, how to evaluate and purchase individual ingredients, and knowing how much you will need along with where to shop. All of these are elements of purchasing that are central to being a successful chef. You can't cook well if you don't know where to get the right ingredients and how to work within a budget.


This is sometimes called beverage service or viniculture, and is the art of understanding how wines, alcohols and liqueurs complement and interact with foods. No fine meal is complete without the proper accompaniment of wine or alcoholic beverage, and being knowledgeable enough to select the proper accompaniment is essential.

Pastries and Baking

Some culinary training programs will offer pastry and baking education as a part of the culinary arts, while others will offer a complete curriculum specializing in this as a separate discipline (some offer both options). Baking science is much different than cooking and has different rules and methods, so it requires separate attention to some degree. Because there are so many types of breads and pastries, many schools offer a complete course in this for those wishing to become specialized pastry chefs.

Some schools that offer culinary training will allow you to download their curriculum to review. This is a great way to see if they cover the basics, how much time they dedicate to each topic and what you will be covering in each class. Choosing a school without seeing the complete curriculum is like purchasing a car without a test drive, so be sure to know what you'll be learning and how many hours you'll be spending learning each technique or topic during your culinary training.

Andy West is a freelance writer for The Culinary Institute of Virginia College. Culinard offers two outstanding culinary programs. For more information on one of the most prestigious culinary arts institutes in the U.S., please visit Blog38800
Anita Blog59610

Design Build Projects - Whose Minding the Store?

So you're ready to start your design build remodeling project. You have hired yourself a contractor and are raring to go right? Wrong!

Of course a new renovation project is an exciting time especially a design build project which allows for the most instantaneous freedom of expression. Anticipating the end and having a fresh new look is a temptation to hurry the process along. But a word of caution; walk don't run. A design build project can also be difficult to keep on track if you don't have a plan.

Unless you are someone with endless means, don't get ahead of yourself, the work you do up front could potentially save you thousands even tens of thousands of dollars in the end.

Working out a comprehensive budget that will get you both the final design you desire while keeping you out of financial trouble is sometimes a high-wire balancing act. But it can be done.

Ok so how do you achieve this important goal when you don't even know everything you want? Well first you must take some important steps that if not done, can have a negative impact on your actual budget.

Here's the Top 10:

1. You must realistically decide how much you can "invest" in this project. And it is truly an investment as you will benefit financially from the return on investment (roi).

2. Determine what type of funding will you use? Savings, personal note, home equity line of credit or loan? Choosing the right type of funding can also save you money. You should speak to your financial advisor.

3. How much of a contingency are you able to set aside for unforeseen conditions which result in changes. (It should be at least 15%; 20% if possible).

4. Get the basic design on paper as soon as possible. This would include plans, elevations and specifications. Whatever can be determined up front should be. This will help solidify your budget.

5. Obtain a minimum of three bids from contractors based on the basic design intent. Make sure they are pricing apples to apples.

6. Establish allowances for all large purchases such as plumbing fixtures, appliances, lighting and stick to them.

7. Check contractor references thoroughly; view their work if possible. Having an incompetent contractor will cost you money.

8. Get it in writing. Whatever pricing, materials and/or project schedules are agreed upon up front, they should be part of a written contract.

9. If your renovation project is large (and large is relative to your budget), you may want to consult an attorney to review or even write the contract for you.

10. Require insurance certificates (general liability and workmen's compensaton) from your contractor and subcontractors.

So What's Up With the Title?

Ok why is this article is entitled "Whose Minding the Store"? Well of course it is only a metaphorical question but it is one of great consequence. The "Store" is your budget. And the question is who will be minding it?

Believe it or not, I see many just sort of loose track of it. Then all of a sudden, wham, the reality hits them like a freight train. Someone needs to be in charge. It can be you, your architect or your designer but it should be done consistently by the same party and updated no less than once a month on a good size project. A written comparison of actual costs versus estimated costs. This will keep your budget from derailing.

Design build projects are difficult to anticipate costs way in advance keeping constant tabs on them is imperative. A good way to do this is to create categories or phases in the beginning. The construction industry uses what are known as CSI codes. These construction cost codes break down a project by every category and assign a number to it thus creating a schedule of values.

If your contractor is unfamiliar with them, they can create their own just make sure it covers all the categories you can think of and includes material and labor. Then when they invoice you, they should bill against these categories.

Not only will you see where you may be getting into trouble, you may also see where you have a windfall and can move some money (theoretically) around. Your contractor should be able to provide you with this information. It can easily be managed on a simple spreadsheet.

Don't Forget This One:

A category that many people overlook is general conditions. These costs can add up especially on a large project. It includes items such as dumpsters, temporary utilities, portable toilets, cleaning, management fees, temporary controls and protection to name just a few.

Other substantial amounts of course will be found in the major trades. These will include rough carpentry, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, millwork and finish carpentry, flooring, doors, windows and roofing materials.

Ok so now you have your design and a budget you can live with. Now what? Now a call to action. Research your product selections and their availability. The earlier decisions are made the earlier the orders can be placed. Delays cost money pure and simple.

Dilligence is the key:

Don't let the inertia of your project get your budget spinning out of control. By carefully monitoring your budget, you will not only get the finished project you desire but also may find a way to get things that were once only on your wish list.

Tammy A. Borges is the founder and author of This website is a complete beginners guide to the home remodeling process. She is an experienced and accomplished Senior Project Manager and has been in the construction industry for 25 years.Alberta Blog81507
Aeriell Blog38641

The Changing World Of Online Education

The way we learn is changing faster than ever before. With the Internet, digital libraries and online encyclopedias it seems as if all the worlds information is at our finger tips. This makes learning new things very easy and indeed is changing the way we view knowledge and education. Even traditional schools, colleges, universities and specialty schools are now using online strategies similar to those used in corporate training.

No longer will children with illnesses or injuries be denied their schoolwork, as they can do it all online. Online education has even more uses in such things as Home-Schooling or those wishing to go back and get a degree part-time working at their pace.

As distance learning grows more popular, parents are beginning to consider home education for their children. As the youngest generation grows up online, the future of education looks more digital than ever. Completing a course online gives young students a chance to discover the advantages of distance learning. As a result, more students are prepared for the online format, and more willing to take courses online in college. An online university student can learn something one evening and put their knowledge to work the very next day.

Online educational institutions are growing in number and enrollments because they offer the working class a chance to advance in their careers, develop a higher level of personal confidence, and fulfill life-long dreams.

In the past, working adults weren't able to further their careers because of time restraints; including, but not limited to, working overtime, business travel, and caring for families. Online education takes away those time restraints by offering a completely virtual learning experience.

The Internet is moving well beyond e-mails and e-commerce. Predictions of an Information Age are proving prophetic as the information superhighway carries more and more vehicles transporting ideas opening the door to an education that may have been denied to many. Online education has resulted in thousands of virtual classrooms that offer the possibility for accomplishment and advancement for all.

In an age where everyone and everything is stretched too thin it is refreshing to know that the Internet provides legitimate resources that allow almost anyone to learn about almost anything. You can now feel confident that life and opportunity are not passing you by. Higher education is now available to any person with the drive, the desire and a personal computer.

Whatever your choice, if you have the opportunity to take an online course, do not ignore it. Life is a long-term learning stadium where you are given the tools that other generations would have appreciated.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website For more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog21808
Celina Blog22967

Want An Adult Scholarship? Try This...

If you consider to go back to school after a long time away, you probably know how expensive it is going to be. If you are established with a home and a family or are in your 30's or 40's, you have plenty of other money worries. The question is: How can you find an adult scholarship?

Do not dispair; there actually is a niche for you out there. There are lots of free money for those of us who are a little older than the regular college student and want an education.

The first thing to do is a little preliminary research. You should find out what kinds of programs you are eligible. There is free money available for people of all walks of life.

Try to avoid financial aid that is just for recent high school graduates. There are quite a few out there that you will be ineligible for because of your age. You can narrow your search by avoiding those with age restrictions. If you can find financial aid specifically for returning students, it will not have any age restriction.

You should apply for anything you might be eligible for. Don't put any limits for yourself. Take advantage of all the free money available for adults and education, it's just a matter of finding a program that suits you.

The first place you might try looking is your local library. They will have tons of resources there for scholarships. Librarians are knowledgeable about these resources and will help you find what you need.

Be patient. Stick around and take notes on what you find. Here is the hard part. You have to skim through all the resources available and look for anything that might help you get that money.

If you find something suitable, contact those particular organizations. Request more information and they will probably send you all the materials you need to apply. You may also be able to contact them by a 1-800 number, in which case you can talk to a representative of the organization and get tips for applying. Remember that you are not stealing; they have all this money lying around waiting to be claimed by a successful applicant.

If you have any help filling out forms, ask someone's advice. Always fill them out thoroughly. Be sure to write clearly. If you have to write an essay, make sure that it flows well and there aren't any grammar or spelling mistakes. You can always ask someone to proofread it if you are unsure.

The important thing is to apply for as many as you can. You never know which one may be able to get you the money you need.

Nic Haffner is a publisher of Scholarship Search and related Info. You can go to for more.Alvinia Blog23753
Anallese Blog19245

How Much Will It Cost Me?

Well, that depends. Realistically, the minimum amount of money you are going to spend is about $ 5000.00.

$ 5000.00!

Yeah, $ 5000.00. Probably it will be closer to $10,000.00 or possibly more.

Before you react, let me put that in perspective for you:

How much did your last divorce cost you? $ 5000 may not have even covered the attorneys fees.

A formal wedding dress can approach $ 5000.00 in cost.

Jewelers recommend three to six months wages as the suggested cost of an engagement ring.

A vacation for two averages three hundred dollars per day plus airfare and personal expenses, for a total of $ 5000.00 for a typical Club Med vacation.

Scuba diving, bicycling, or other equipment intensive hobby will probably cost you more than $ 5000 to get started.

To join a dating service, the entrance fees are often three to five thousand dollars or more.

I can assure you that the adventure of wooing, winning, and wedding the woman of your dreams will be more exciting than any hobby or vacation you will undertake. It will be more spine tingling than bungee jumping or parachuting.

It will be more exciting than a dating service, where you are much more likely to be introduced to your neighbors ex-wife than a Playboy bunny.

You will enjoy spending the money much more for a trip to meet half a dozen beautiful Russian women than you would on scuba tanks or a mountain bike and certainly much more than on a divorce attorney.

If you have to, borrow the money from your mother. She probably will be happy to help you get out from in front of your television set or computer screen and go meet a woman who will spawn grandchildren for her.

John Kunkle has been married to a Russian women for over five years. He has travelled the path from finding her, to traveling to Russia, to bring his wife to America, and adjusting to married life. He will show you step by step how to do this yourself.Brigitte Blog57308
Bunnie Blog54485

If Money Matters

True enough, a wedding is the most difficult event to plan and prepare for. And it gets even more challenging if the budget is tight. But don't fret, we have come up with some tips to help you stay on track money-wise.

1. Limit your invites to the most important people in your life. Less guests less expenses.

2. The venue eats up a huge percentage of the budget so be wise and practical when selecting your venue. If possible, have both the ceremony and the reception in one place to minimize your cost.

3. Resist the urge to pick foods that are costly i.e. lobsters, steaks. You can still impress your guests with less expensive food.

4. Keep your invitation simple. If you have the time or extra helping hands, you may even want to consider making the invitation yourself. You can get wedding invitation kits from wedding supply stores or even your local craft store.

5. When decorating the venue, keep the use of flowers to a minimum. They are costly. Use candles (they go a long way when it comes to giving life to a venue), tulles and ribbons as substitutes.

6. While it is nice to be entertained by a live band, recorded music will do just fine.

7. Forget about hiring an emcee. Ask a family member or a friend to emcee instead.

8. Ask yourself if you really want your wedding on a film. Will you spend some time after the wedding to watch it? Or will the video end up in your grandmother's chest in the attic?

9. Opt for a less extravagant cake. Get a 2-tiered cake instead of a 4- or 3-tiered cake. Another option is mini cakes arranged in a layered cake rack.

10. Limit the champagne to the toast. Instead of wine, serve less expensive drinks.

11. Forget about hiring a wedding planner. You can still get the job done with the help of family members and friends.

12. Instead of hiring a limousine, look for alternative means of transport i.e. a friend's Bentley, your fathers Mercedes.

13. Always haggle for a lower price with the vendors. Since they expect some negotiations to happen, they would most often give a quote that is higher than what they are willing to accept.

Johanna Docena is the owner of Docena Bridal, an online wedding store that sells bridal jewelry, wedding attendant gifts and wedding accessories. Visit us at Blog79833
Alica Blog14485

Tips For Lowering Your Health Insurance Costs

Is the rising cost of health insurance getting you down? Don't feel alone. There are currently millions of uninsured Americans who simply can't afford to pay the outrageous premiums to get medical coverage. Fortunately, most states will step up and help low-income families cover their children at least, but what happens if mom or dad gets sick? Who's going to pay the bills than? What if the breadwinner of the family, whether it's mom or dad, is unable to work anymore and they run up large amounts of medical bills?

The system simply isn't working anymore, however, there are a few things we can do to keep our monthly premiums manageable, for those of us who can afford to make minimum payments to have a health insurance policy. With take a look at some of those.

There are things you can exclude from your health insurance policies that will decrease your monthly cost. This is the case on all policies so you'll need to look around but it is possible to do.

Another thing you might consider is to raise your deductibles. The deductible is the amount of the insurance company expects you to pay before they start paying anything. An example of this would be was called 80/20. This means that you'd pay the first 20% of the of the costs of your visit to the doctor and the insurance company would cover anything up to that. So the cost of $100 for your medical needs then you would be expected to pay $20 and the insurance company would take care of the other $80. You'd only pay up to a maximum amount every year on your deductible deductibles vary anywhere from zero to $5-$10,000.

The higher deductible you carry on your policy, the lower your monthly payment will be, however, if you carry a high deductible this means that you will be paying a large portion of your everyday medical care out-of-pocket.

If you could possibly set aside enough money that would equal your annual deductible amount you would be in very good shape because the average person only see the doctor once or twice a year. This would make your payments minimal, your out-of-pocket costs would be covered if you have the money set aside and you would be covered in case of any major medical emergency. Just another option to think about.

Joe Stewart is a former Health Insurance Agent that now provides helpful information to others. For more great information about Health Insurance, visit right now!Aura Blog76786
Berenice Blog3395

Credit Card Application, The First Step To The Credit System!

A credit card is a very valuable asset for almost anyone. The credit card system provides a numerous number of benefits that the cardholder can enjoy. And although it can be an instrument to revolve your credit and budget your finances, it can also cause complicated troubles on multiple debts.

The ambivalent character of the credit card causes a tough competition among credit card providers. Its popularity nowadays, enkindles these providers to promote different modus in order to outstand in the market. Different incentives are offered to attract consumers to avail of a credit card in their company.

All the incentive programs, as a marketing tool seem equally beneficial. So it is up to the customer to weigh what incentives are more valuable to him. For instance, the common program is the cash back incentive which functions by giving the card user a portion of their payment back to them. Usually, it occurs annually. Another program usually promoted by creditors is the discount programs. This provides discounts on certain items upon membership. Other programs include free services like automotive assistance and more.

Because of the myriad offers, these benefits should be cautiously considered when choosing your credit card provider. And the primary thing that you should do is to know what exactly you need. This will determine what features will apply to you. And then compare the offers of the different companies and assess the terms before filing your application.

And when you have sorted out these things, its time to fill out an application form. This is a prerequisite in order to enjoy the benefits of the credit card. This application can be made through the internet or through personally visiting the company. Nevertheless, online application is suited for people who are too busy and whose free time is very rare. In both ways, the application however is just similar. The details required and the processing has no significant differences in the technical aspect.

Because of the fast pace of living, online application is more popular presently. This saves the applicant on time and effort. But when applying online, some people don't trust that their personal information to be kept confidential. One tip to check if the website is secured is when the website address starts with HTTPS.

For most credit card providers, they offer a no interest rate for the first year of application. This will be a help for those who had not fully decided on what type of terms they wanted for the rest of their lives. And also, this will serve as a determinant or trial year for you to know how well the present credit card works for you. If you find the terms friendly, then you may want to make it your partner in managing your lifestyle.

The credit cardholder then is issued the card after completion of an application form and after the approval of the credit card provider. Upon activation of the card, the cardholder can then use the card to purchase goods or pay for services with companies accredit by the provider.

And after all these, expect that every month, the cardholder receives the statements of goods and services which he had purchased. This bill should be paid on time to avoid charges. And make sure you use your credit card wisely.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For more information checkout and Blog50681
Audrie Blog81903

To Understand The Success Of Website Ranking

Time is a factor

To obtain positive results is not very fast to achieve. It always takes time to reach a good ranking on search engines since there are millions of web pages to be indexed in their databases.

So it takes approximately between six months & one year to see ranking results according to new strategies set by search engines specifically Google, taking into consideration of doing the least effort to reach so.

At frequent basis you will need to add new fresh text content & resubmit every time a significant change is done to your website. Always make sure that the submission process is done manually otherwise the automated system could lead your site to become penalized since spiders have the capability to identify them.

How search engine spiders index pages

Spiders are completely automated programs made by search engine companies in order to web crawl pages then take keywords & index them in databases to return the search results you find.

The conclusion above explains that spiders do not understand anything about what your site says , they ranking system is done automatically, therefore before any submission action takes place make sure the guidelines are followed properly.

Spiders cannot recognize any images or graphics; instead you should rely on text as an alternative to be read in graphic or design areas in the page.

Also make sure that the most important paragraph appears on top of the page in addition to keeping navigation simple & in text format.

Places your keywords should appear for optimized ranking.

-Title tags/ place the keywords in your title tag that match the ones placed in your text content.

-File names

-Meta tags/in terms of the keyword & description tags, although search engines do not put intense emphasis on them, they are still important to be taken into consideration. Make paragraph short & concise & always place keywords existing in your text.

-Alt tags/ represented in the form of text placed on image, since spiders cannot interpret any image therefore placing text keywords is the alternative.

-Frames/ if they are essential then you need to place tag in your HTML code.

Monia Hassan is specialized in providing SEO services. Working for Moon Search Engine Optimization Company ( specialized in SEO services.Catarina Blog67728
Arlyn Blog5615

Get Paid to Drive Your Car

Whats the Deal?

Its quite simple. Big corporations are always looking for new ways to promote themselves. And the latest, most innovative way, is you. All you have to do is agree to place the logo or advertisement of a company on your car, and drive with it wherever you go. This new method of company promotion offers an immense benefit to the advertiser, and you profit from it. In some cases, the company will actually give you a new car with a logo already on it. And all you have to do is drive.

Does this actually work?

Yes. But be ready to wait a while before making any money you will be at the mercy of your advertisers. On average, applications are accepted within 90 days of submission. But the wait might be well worth it in the end. Today there are literally millions of people who are benefiting from this new advertising strategy throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Whats the catch?

There are two things you have to realize before considering this money-making tactic. First, you must be willing to have the advertisement on your car wherever you go; you are not permitted to take it off until the advertising term ends. And secondly, you must agree to drive at least 1 000 miles per month. But most people do this anyway. It is also a plus to leave in or near a large urban center and to park in a public place as much as possible. The advertisers will collect this and other detailed information from you before working with you. Moreover, you will be responsible for insurance, maintenance, and paying for gas. You must also be at least 18 years of age, and have a good driving history.

Where do I start?

There are quite a few companies on the internet that offer this service. What they will do is take your name and submit it to a list of advertisers, or better yet, they will simply give you a list of the advertisers who are willing to offer you cash for driving. In the latter case, you can pick your favorite and contact them directly. In all it only take one sign up (usually about $30) and a few e-mails and youre done.

How much will I make?

Between $100 and $3000 every month. Of course very few people make $3000 per month. But it depends on the company, how far you drive, where you drive, and the type of ad thats placed on your car.

Where to Look:

The customer service here is excellent. And the directory offered is very thorough, which results in the highest chances of getting accepted, and being paid more. The information provided on the site is somewhat lacking, but you can always ask for more details to make sure youre getting what you pay for.

Another Website: features a tool to locate programs available in your area and is one of the more established "get-paid-to-drive" companies, but it is more expensive than the rest.

Still Looking: Google It

Search for: "get paid to drive your car" and browse through the results until you find one you like. There are many of these programs available, so feel free to take your time.

Michael Brulotte is a student at Marianopolis College in Montreal, Quebec. He is studying law and will soon become an advocate of international law in Canada. His interests are primarily in human rights, and the association of law and morality.Brittani Blog21114
Brynne Blog84596

Crush The Cravings For Weight Loss

Im an addict. I need help.

Thats what Esther courageously confessed to me not long ago.

And what dark demon dominated Esther and drove her to do something about it?

Could it have been nicotine, pain killers, or cocaine?

Goodness, no, not that bad. But plenty bad enough. And very common.

For starters, it can cause early aging, high blood pressure, cataracts, diabetes, anxiety, cancer, heart disease, migraines, kidney damage, asthma, acid stomach, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, and arthritis.

And, if thats not bad enough, that little white devil likes to stick around. It turns itself into fat and hides in all those places we dont want it toour tummies, thighs, hips, arms, and butts. Oh, yeah, it makes us fat.

Esthers addiction: sugarthose pure, white crystals that sit in a canister-of-honor on our kitchen counters and sneak their way into a lot of our foods.

Esther couldnt imagine life without it. Yet, she wanted to be free, and she wanted to lose weight.

Like all of us, Esther grew up on sugar. Her father loved sweets: Sunday cinnamon rolls, white cake with lemon filling and whipped cream, cream puffs, cookies, all kinds of goodies; even tomatoes, lettuce, and vegetables were topped with sugar. Her mother, who catered to her fathers sweet tooth, was obese.

We created a doable-for-Esther food plan that wrapped around craving-crusher foods: whole, fresh, unrefined fruits and vegetables.

Esther, one month later

The cravings went away within the first week. I lost 8.5 pounds 3x my goal. I am full and satisfied. I have detached myself from food.

I love this way of eating! Its easy and tastes good to me.

This is the first time in my life that Ive lived 100% without sweets. I never thought I could do that. My cravings for milk and cheese are gone too.

The greatest reward of all is knowing I can do it and the weight loss. I amaze myself.

Esther amazes me too. She amazes me with her awareness of herself. She amazes me with her courage to stand up to her demon. She amazes me with her openness, willingness, and sheer guts to make changes.

Change is tough. Esther forged ahead anyway.

Above all else, Esther amazes me with her innate gift to inspire others just by being her lovely and genuine self, no matter what size she wears.

I noticed the bracelet on her beautiful, delicate wrist. I have to sayI am not a big fan of jewelry, but that bracelet caught my attention. It sparkled with light and color.

Esther had created it herself.

Every different color crystal represents a different disease. Now I think differently about my bracelet. I think of what I am doing for myself to prevent getting cancer or heart disease.

Esther created two bracelets for meone for me and one for my daughter, Erin, one of the three loves of my lifemy three children. This is my first jewelry purchase in over twelve years.

When I sat on my bed and gave it to my 27-year-old beauty, I explained what each colored crystal represented.

Erin, when you wear this bracelet, think about what it represents. It represents the circle of life, the circle of love, and the circle of heath. Think about the most precious gift of allyour body. Think about what you are doing every day to take care of yourself.

Your body must come first and everything else second, or there are not seconds.

If you dont take care of yourself for you, then please, Sweetie, take care of yourself for me. Know in your heart of hearts how much I love you, and I cannot live my life without you.

After a tear or two, we hopped on our bicycles and embraced our magical moments together made even more magical by those sparkles on our wrists.

Thank you, Esther, for being a spark in our lives, all of our lives. The circle of love goes round and round.

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http:// for practical direction, hope and inspiration.Celestyn Blog15560
Ardenia Blog3318

Scary Halloween Masks- This Halloween Makeup Idea is A Recipe for Horror

What Lies in Grannys Crypt-ic Cupboard?

Searching for a scary Halloween mask? This Halloween makeup idea is not for the faint-hearted! This gruesome brew is for those who love the horror of HELL-oween. If you are nifty enough, Grannys goodies could turn you into this!

The base of this Halloween makeup design is plain gelatin and strawberry jam. Remember, although this recipe sounds ghoulishly delicious, its not to be eaten!

Follow directions on the gelatin box, adding the proper ratio of boiling water to plain gelatin. To this, add about 1/3 ratio of glycerine to your mixture. (Glycerine is available in most pharmacies.) The glycerine will prevent the gelatin from cracking and give you ghoulish lasting power. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil and simmer for five minutes. When it starts to cool, skim off the milky froth that floats to the top. Clear gelatin is all that should remain.

Pour part of the gelatin mixture into a cup that you will work from. You can reheat the remaining mixture on the stove or just microwave the cup you are working with, as the mixture will cool and become difficult to work with.

Take your artists spatula and put a small amount of gelatin on the back of your wrist to test the temperature. The mixture should be warm and fluid, but not uncomfortably hot to the skin. Now apply the gelatin to the face as if you were icing a cake.

Purposely do some sections of your subjects face thicker than others to develop different textures and levels. The gelatin will want to drip sometimes, so catch these drips with the tip of your spatula and change their direction so they dont set. Do one layer, let it dry and proceed with the next layer. As each layer gets tacky, use the tip of the spatula to create nooks and crevices. After 3 to 5 layers have been completed, you can create small holes to look like open, rotting wounds! (For those of you that are completely grossed by this Halloween mask, stick to lip gloss!)

Take the tip of your artists spatula and carefully dig a little hole through the layers until you arrive at the skin. You must be careful not to scratch the skin for obvious reasons it hurts. A pair of cuticle scissors will help snip away small parts of gelatin to create large craters. Now fill the small holes and craters with strawberry jam (no tasting) and let the jam bleed slightly out of the wound..Yum!

Ghouls in training may take this scary Halloween mask a step further by darkening the eyes with red, purple and black eye shadows. A grey and blue eye pencil will give a gorgeously ghastly color to the mouth. And remember, no nibbling on the jam, just on your victims!

Robert Closs is the founder and managing director of The School of Professional Makeup in Toronto, Canada. He has been a successful makeup artist for 25 years, and is currently appearing on Life Network's popular makeover show "So Chic" with Steven & Chris. Bernardine Blog70522
Caritta Blog26493

Wi-fi Wireless Internet Made Simple

Just what is all this Wi-Fi wireless internet stuff they are trying to confuse and torment me with?

It is actually quite simple, useful and most of all convenient.

All you probably want to do is to share your internet connection throughout your home whether it be to other computers or so that you can sit in your bedroom and wirelessly surf the internet or send email. Perhaps as well you wish to share files such as songs throughout the computers in your house, apartment or condo.

Dont let them confuse with all this alphabet soup - b , g , a , 11 megabytes , 54 , 108.

To begin with most any of the systems are beyond overkill. All will go faster than the even high speed broadband internet. Most use the same frequency as the standard cordless phones (2.4 GHz). . Be reassured the phones and the wireless internet in most cases will co- exist and work well with each other.

The most common wireless setups wireless b and g use the frequency most cordless phone use. G wireless internet is sort of a faster b standard. What is important to know is that it is all standardized. B will work with G and G products will work with B. G is said to up to 5 times faster than B that is assuming that you are relatively close. G wireless is very useful primarily if you are sharing large files between computers. For ordinary browsing b wireless is still overkill speed, faster as said than most broadband internet connections. The usual stated range of these wireless products is 300 feet indoors range and 1000 feet outside. The range is basically line of sight. Heavy dense objects primarily metal, metal doors, metal foil insulation, heavy bricks and pipes and objects such as furnaces, metal filing cabinets will block reception to some degree. As well if the manufacturer makes some ultra high speed claims remember that both the router and wireless network adapters will have to be that brand and that special computer networking hardware feature to work at those high speeds and transmission rates. Remember to that wireless internet transmission speeds fall rapidly with distance.

Wireless internet is basically a radio setup with a transmitter and receivers. The transmitter is a box that plugs into the internet to share your internet connection. This is called a Router . . Wireless routers are made by a number of manufactures and the most widely known are the Linksys and D-Link brands. All routers are fairly good now. Tech support may be something to consider for setup ease. Routers are often sold on sale at big box stores as a means of drawing customers who already have at least one computer into their stores. It is reasoned that if a customer wants to buy a router the odds are good that he or she has more than one computer and once in the store will make additional purchases .Perhaps they will be even so fed up with the older computer as the kids have taken use of the newer faster model that the customer will even buy a additional new computer from the store.. The routers that you will find on sale will most likely be the newer g standard routers which will work with your B or G wireless network adapters in your computers.

Secondly you will need a receiver to receive the wireless internet signal at the computer end. You will have several options depending on your setup. If your laptop is a newer model then you may have a wireless network adapter: already built into your laptop. If you have an older laptop you can install a PCMCIA wireless network adapter into the credit card sized slot on your laptop. If you have a desktop computer you will have several options. If you have the abilities and are allowed by your warranty to open your computer case then you can install a standard PCI wireless card. The advantage of the PCI cards is that they almost always work, are screwed in so that they cannot be dislodged to stop working. The disadvantage is that the antenna of the card is hidden behind the metal of the computer case limiting reception. Another option is USB wireless adapters. Not only can the USB wireless adapter be installed without opening the case but as well with a USB extension cord the YSB network adapter can be lifted away from the computer to a higher more open place.

Several points on setup to make your life easier. After all networking is often called Voodoo Science . First if you are buying both the wireless adapters as well as the router try to buy the same brand, There will be easier setup , perhaps faster speed and tech support will not be able to blame the other vendors product for setup issues. You can tell tech support even after the return period of the store: I guess the products are defective and have to be replaced . There will be no issue of blaming the other vendors product. Case closed. Secondly most of the routers are setup by a web based interface . Some will come with an install disc as wizard. With others you will enter a web address usually 192.168.x.x and a password. To enter this setup interface. The instructions and passwords should be in either your instructional manual or disc that came in the box with your router. If you have a standard cable broadband account then just follow instructions if you have a DSL type of broadband internet connection then you will need the paper the phone company gave you with your internet account name and setup password. The type of connection that you set up in the router for DSL connections is called POPE The connection internet connection password is most likely different than your email password. This internet connection password is of very little value to anyone else. If you do not have this information phone your DSL provider tech support.

Next install the wireless adapters. Windows XP has its own wireless utility program installed. With previous versions of windows (Windows 98, 2000 and ME) you will have to install the utility program that the manufacturer provided on the install disk.

Most of his install manuals have 2 different sets of instructions one for Windows XP, the other for the remaining operating systems.

When you setup the router you will be given a choice of whether to turn on the security features so that other people can drive up in front of your house and freeload your internet signals. It is anyones choice whether they wish to use this feature or not.

Believe me there will be no shortage of wireless internet connections for those freeloaders estimate is 60 %. You can say to yourself if someone wants to waste gas to sit in front of my home to download songs or whatever good for them . If you wish to turn on the scrambling to sign onto your internet it will be in the advanced wireless or wireless security section of your router control panel. There are a number of choices. Most common is a setup called WEP (Web Enabled Protection)... This is available in a standard 64 bit or more secure 128 bit WEP settings. 64 bit setup is easier. 128 bit has you enter a long string of characters twice. Lots of fun with mistakes on entering those digits correctly. The easier to use security setup routines will allow an easy to use phrase code generator. For example in the phrase code generator you enter the word

Badgerlinux. The number / character code will then be generated that you must enter both the router and wireless adapter ends of your system. WEP is considered by purists not as secure as a newer system called WPA. Not all of the older hardware supports WPA. You may look at it as if someone in my area can break into my WEP protected wireless system then that is the least of my troubles.

Lastly the biggest problem with wireless internet networks in neighbors. That is right neighbors. It is estimated that 40 % of wireless products are returned to big box stores. There are 12 available channels available in the wireless router settings. For convenience and to aid setup most brands of routers place the default channel of their routers as channel 6 right in the middle of the 12 channels available. It does not take much a signal at all to confuse your wireless adapter. You will see signal strength of your wireless route signal but you will unable to get a solid internet connection.

Worse yet this phenomenon of no internet connection may be sporadic. In many cases you will not be able to even spot the culprit in your wireless configuration software.

Remarkably wireless internet signals can travel a fair distance and may even appear to come out of nowhere. Worse yet the interference may be on sporadic. And as said it does not take much of a signal at all to leave you with no internet connection.

The answer is simplicity itself. Change the Channel . There are 12 available channels in your router setup control panel. The next 2 choices for wireless channel selection are at the 2 ends of the spectrum channels 1 and 11. However it may simply be a matter of trial and error.

Wireless internet is rather amazing, you can surf the world, download songs, send email and transfer files conveniently at high speed and at some distance away from your internet connection. In addition you do not have to call or pay electrician to string the internet network wiring in your home. And if you wish to move the computers or even move just pickup and make the move.

If in the end you are having troubles on setup do not feel afraid to call tech support. Someone in India or the Philippines will be more than happy to assist you. Remember in the end you have the ultimate threat of all , that is to take your new Wi-Fi wireless products back to your store of purchase.

Maxwell Z. Rubin Agricultural Chemist Linux as well as vintage computing http://www.badgerlinux.netBeth Blog23055
Arabela Blog69345

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